WCB 21 Happy Birthday Kiri!

Publié le par Marie, Paris

Aujourd'hui c'est le 1er anniversaire de Kiri, chat chez Eatstuff. Ce Weekend Cat Blogging lui est dédié.
A votre avis, laquelle des deux chattes aura accès au gâteau au potiron, et au champagne en premier?

Rima and Nala want some champagne and cake  Who's gonna have them first?

Today is Kiri's 1st birthday!
Rima and Nala have decided to celebrate with a couple of glasses of champagne and a pumpin cake! They are really fighting over the goodies, who's gonna get to them first?
Check out more kitties and the CAT of the day at Eatstuff.

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J'aime quand tu parles de PARIS,il y a tant de choses à voir.Et moi j'en profite pour le moment ,il me reste encore 2 semaines....
I love the way they are fighting over who should blow the candle! So adorable.
Joyeux anniversaire Kiri !
That Pumpkin cake and Champange was absolutely delightful! I am so glad you came to my party<br /> Hugs xx<br /> Kiri